Friday, August 18, 2006

Planter Wart- Ezine Article- Genital Warts

Males Get Genital Warts - The Facts
By Dirk Bristol

It is estimated that over one million men are infected with genital warts
at any given time in the United States. As you know sexually transmitted
diseases are running rampant in the world. This article will give you the
facts about male genital warts.

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which causes a person to
become infected with a human papillomavirus or HPV. There are over 100 known HPV's of which a couple will cause visible male genital warts. They are
spread by unprotected sexual or genital contact. Males with multiple partners
or weakened immune systems are especially at risk. Even if have no visible
symptoms, you can still spread the virus. Condoms offer protection but do not
completely protect you during sexual or genital contact.

The virus may lie dormant in your system for years. Typically genital warts
appear within a few months of the infection. They usually appear on the shaft
of the penis, the scrotum, the anal area,or in the groin area. Genital warts
look like small puffy white blisters in a cauliflower like pattern. This link
has genital wart pictures and other valuable information Click Here.
The warts will typically disappear on their own within three weeks to three
months. You will still have the virus, so you can still infect your partner.
Unforetunately, even after the warts go away or are treated, they re appear
in 20 to 50% of the cases. It is interesting to note the HPV's that cause
genital warts, are not the same as, those that cause planter warts, flat warts,
or other warts.

You need to seek medical advice or attention if you present with any of the
following symptoms. Discharge from the penis or burning while urinating are
typical indications. Other indicators are rashes, bumps, or sores or blisters
in the genital or anal areas.

Your treatment options are dependent on several factors. The number and size
of your genital warts. Where they are located, and if special equipment is
needed. The cost of the treatment is also a factor. The following link provides
treatment options. Click Here.

There are several treatments available by prescription that you can apply at
home. Treatment can be painful and you should be cautious when applying, so
as to not damage surrounding skin. Stronger topical applications are available, but must be administered by a healthcare professional.

The appearance of male genital warts is a traumatic experience. Especially when you find out the virus (HPV) will still be in your system, after the warts disappear. It is staggering to realize the infection multiplication factors, when you have ultiple partners. Abstinence? This is an option. Whatever your sexual prediliction, rotected sex is no longer an option. A more than passing knowledge of your partner is now becoming paramount. Males get genital warts and we must not infect anyone else!

Dirk Bristol is a freelance writer with varied interests.

If you would be interested in a cure, check out-Be Cured

Please visit- Planter Wart Facts Blogspot

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