Thursday, November 23, 2006

Planter Wart - What Are Genital Warts ?

Genital warts are skin growths. They can appear as tiny white blisters or in cauliflower shaped clusters. Men, typically are infected; on the shaft of the penis, groin areas, scrotum and around the anal area. Women's infections, generally appear on the cervix, the outside of the vagina, groin and anal areas. You can find some examples at this link:
Genital Wart Images

Genital warts are a sexually transmittd disease,(STD) spread through sexual activity. You become infected with the human papilloma virus (HPV). The genital wart viruses are different than the ones that cause planter warts and the other wart varieties. Once infected with genital warts, they usually spread, and can rapidly, if you have a weakened immune system or are diabetic.
Genital warts can appear anywhere from three weeks to several years after the sexual contact. The virus can lie dormant in your system for years. The genital warts can disappear after afew months, with or wothout treatment.

More on the causes of genital warts next...
I've been busy, so I haven't posted for awhile. You can see my new articles on the internet. Also, if you wish, you can visit my just completed website at:


Friday, October 20, 2006

Acne & Planter Wart- Real Cures...

There is a cure the medical profession is not letting out. A couple of weeks ago I ran across a product I used 5 years ago. Chris had a product that cured acne in as little as 3 days. I used his natural cure and I haven't had acne in five years. He didn't lie, it worked. If your interested in an acne cure. DirkRecommends--Acne Free

Chris now has a new product that gets rid of planter warts, genital warts, moles and skin tags. He has plenty of testimonials that include, "the persons full name and city and state". As you know, this is rare in webland. Visit his web site and decide for yourself. DirkRecommends-Wart Cure

More about planter warts to come...


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Planter wart- Types of Warts

I thought you might find it interesting to know... there are six types of warts. A planter wart is only one of them, all caused by viruses.

1. Planter Warts as we know form on the soles of the feet. They're appearance is like a callus with black specks. They also spread into "mosiac" like clusters.

2. Commmon Warts usually appear on the hands but, they also can be found other places on the body. They are gray or brown bump like growths.

3. Filiform Warts are usually found around the mouth or nose...they also can be found in the beard area. They are flesh colored skin tags.

4. Flat Warts are found on your arms and legs...but they can also appear on your face. They look like small flat appendages. They come in a variety of colors; pink, brown, or light yellow. Too weird.

5. Periungual Warts are found under the fingernails and toenails. They look like rough calluses.

6. Genital Warts are well, genital warts. Men find them pn their penis or scrotums. Ladies are infected around and in the vagina. They can be spread to the anus and the anal area by obvious means. Since the term "genital wart pictures" is searched alot.. heres a link to see what they look like. If you are groosed out easily..are prudish...or under age DON'T CLICK THE LINK. Pictures- Click Here

A planter wart is only one of a variety of warts. When I first had problems with planter warts...I was suprised to find all these other warts.

More to come later...


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Planter Wart- The Dermatologist

The dermatologist has several options in treating a planter wart;

1. Cryotherapy- Freezing the wart, causing a blister to form under the wart. You get a local anesthetic to alleviate the pain. This method only removes the top portion of the planter wart, and usually is repeated every two to four weeks, until it is gone. Alternately, salicylic acid (45%) maybe be applied to dissolve it faster.

2. Cryosurgery- The wart is frozen causing a blister to form. Allowing the removal of the planter wart with a scalpel. This can be effective if the entire wart is cut out.

3. Electrodessication- An electric needle is used to zap the wart. The dead tissue is then cut away. Very effective treatment.

4. Laser Surgery- Stubborn warts can be eradicated with a laser. Effective but it takes weeks to heal and can be costly... depending on your insurance.

5. Immunotherapy- One method is to get a shot of antigens. Which is like a flu shot, which boosts your own immune system. You system fights off the HPV causing the problem wart. Also there are some anti viral creams which... use your bodies natural defense system to fight off the virus. Remember, even if you cut out the wart... you still have the virus!

I've had a planter wart removed with Cryosurgery, after Cryotherapy failed. It was a very effective treatment. I haven't tried the other three methods, above to remove a planter wart.

More to Come...


Friday, August 18, 2006

Planter Wart- Ezine Article- Genital Warts

Males Get Genital Warts - The Facts
By Dirk Bristol

It is estimated that over one million men are infected with genital warts
at any given time in the United States. As you know sexually transmitted
diseases are running rampant in the world. This article will give you the
facts about male genital warts.

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease which causes a person to
become infected with a human papillomavirus or HPV. There are over 100 known HPV's of which a couple will cause visible male genital warts. They are
spread by unprotected sexual or genital contact. Males with multiple partners
or weakened immune systems are especially at risk. Even if have no visible
symptoms, you can still spread the virus. Condoms offer protection but do not
completely protect you during sexual or genital contact.

The virus may lie dormant in your system for years. Typically genital warts
appear within a few months of the infection. They usually appear on the shaft
of the penis, the scrotum, the anal area,or in the groin area. Genital warts
look like small puffy white blisters in a cauliflower like pattern. This link
has genital wart pictures and other valuable information Click Here.
The warts will typically disappear on their own within three weeks to three
months. You will still have the virus, so you can still infect your partner.
Unforetunately, even after the warts go away or are treated, they re appear
in 20 to 50% of the cases. It is interesting to note the HPV's that cause
genital warts, are not the same as, those that cause planter warts, flat warts,
or other warts.

You need to seek medical advice or attention if you present with any of the
following symptoms. Discharge from the penis or burning while urinating are
typical indications. Other indicators are rashes, bumps, or sores or blisters
in the genital or anal areas.

Your treatment options are dependent on several factors. The number and size
of your genital warts. Where they are located, and if special equipment is
needed. The cost of the treatment is also a factor. The following link provides
treatment options. Click Here.

There are several treatments available by prescription that you can apply at
home. Treatment can be painful and you should be cautious when applying, so
as to not damage surrounding skin. Stronger topical applications are available, but must be administered by a healthcare professional.

The appearance of male genital warts is a traumatic experience. Especially when you find out the virus (HPV) will still be in your system, after the warts disappear. It is staggering to realize the infection multiplication factors, when you have ultiple partners. Abstinence? This is an option. Whatever your sexual prediliction, rotected sex is no longer an option. A more than passing knowledge of your partner is now becoming paramount. Males get genital warts and we must not infect anyone else!

Dirk Bristol is a freelance writer with varied interests.

If you would be interested in a cure, check out-Be Cured

Please visit- Planter Wart Facts Blogspot

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